Port Loring Information, Weather & Fishing Times

Good Morning:  This morning we here in Port Loring woke up to cloudy skies once again.  Temperatures were sitting at..20.7 C | 69.26 F.

Weather Forecast For Port Loring:  Stormy, much rain, says it all for today.

Bug Report: Nothing much to report here in that department.  The only ones out there annoying folks are the..No-see-ums which I like to call them.  There is a type that likes to bite folks but the ones we have around here just annoy for most parts.  Especially when near a car or truck that is running.  Or a mower which I found out yesterday while mowing our lawn.  They just swarmed in on me, but as I say they didn’t cause any harm other than annoying me, up my nose and in ones ears and eyes.  But once the mowers or cars are shut off they leave.

Fishing Times:   For those wanting to do some fishing today the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there  will be from…10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.  Then once again from 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.  I give it a 3 fish rating for catching them all day long.  Should be a great day for pulling them in.  Good luck.

Around Town:  I Made a trip to the Land Fill site yesterday and was talking to Jim who runs it.  He asked if I would add to the Blog here this morning that they are now on winter hours, which is as follows…

For the North Road…                                                                                                       Thursdays & Saturdays 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

For Golden Valley:                                                                                                    Thursdays & Saturdays 7:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Have a great day.


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