Port Loring, Ontario Events, Happenings & Fishing Times

Good Morning: Well a great day weather wise shaping up.  Was a bit cool waking up though with temperatures sitting at…7.4 C | 45.32 F.

Forecast For Today:  Fine weather will be upon us now for a few days including today. Also will warm up quite a bit which will make it great for getting outside.

Fishing Times:  This morning the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from…8:30 AM – 10:00 AM.  Then once again from 3:00 PM – 5:45 PM.  I give it a 3 fish rating out of 4 for catching them today.  Good Luck!

Around Town:  I was chatting with my good friend Danny Brooks yesterday, we haven’t had a chat in awhile.  Here is  fellow that is in touch with the world.  Over the past few years I have incorporated his style and ease into my life relating to pain and the systemic way of using the energy which lies around us all.  He also has a book out there on the Market now called… Fears Phobias & Freedom…By Dan Brooks This book he has written has a very unique way of guiding ones life, body and spirit into a relaxed state to which he or she will feel energized and wanting more of what life is offering.  It’s a great read and I recommend it highly.  To order a book here is his web site, click the following link…http://giveuppain.com/

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.
For Those That Would Like To Get In Touch With Me, You Can reach me at;
[email protected]

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