Port Loring Ontario Weather & Hunting Times

Good Morning:   Rainy old day here in Port Loring. Temperatures though waking up were sitting at…13 C | 55.4 F.  Quite warm for this time of year.

Forecast For Today:   Stormy, much rain throughout the day.

Hunting Times:  A bit wet to be out there today I am thinking. But for those that do the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from…8:00 AM – 10:30 AM. Then again a bit later from…1:30 PM – 3:30 PM.  I give it a 2 buck rating out of 5 for seeing them. Winds this morning are calm coming in from the East.  Sun will set at 6:34 PM.   Good Luck.

Around Town:  Good day to do some inside work with the rain being as it is.  Myself I got lots to do and lots that need doing, but one sometimes can’t do what they want.  So when that comes upon a feller he is introduced to patience.  I would think that is about the hardest thing to accomplish for us humans, as we tend to want things right away.  I am slowly conquering it but takes some work.  On another note…vegetable gardens need to be tilled up one more time but hard to do right now being so wet.  But should still get a few good dry days before it freezes.  Hope so.  So my friends, stay dry and warm an have a great day.  All in how we make them.  George Walters;  [email protected]

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