Good Morning: Well once again it is wet and cool here in Port Loring. Seems to be the trend these days. Temperatures waking up were sitting at…4.8 C | 40.64 F.
Forecast For Today: Stormy, much rain off and on through out the day.
Hunting Times: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Then a bit later from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Exact times are as follows…9:00 AM…11:00 AM & 4:30 PM. The winds this morning are calm coming in from the South East. I give it a 2 Buck Rating out of 5 for seeing a few. Feeding time will be at dusk.
Around Town: Same as yesterday with not hardly a car moving up and down Highway 522. Few hunters though have moved into the area with 4 Wheelers of all kinds. But they do make things easier when it comes to getting to certain areas and bringing out the deer, moose or bear. Times has changed in the field of hunting that’s for sure. So my friends have a great day, stay warm and dry it is important in one staying healthy. George Walters… [email protected]