Weather, Hunting Info & Goings On In Port Loring Ontario Canada

Good Morning;   Well warmer here in Port Loring Ontario.  Temperatures have rose through the night and waking up it is sitting at, 6.2 C | 43.16 F.

Forecast For Today:  Stormy, much rain throughout most of the day.  Temperatures will drop through the night and once again cold will prevail.  But it is understandable as we are coming into December.  Amazing how fast time moves forward.  But as my friend Grey Wolf always said.  Time is something that we can all be sure of.

Hunting Information:  This morning the old weather stick along with some data is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.  Then once again from 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.  Winds this morning are coming in from the South West at       1.6 m/s | 5.76 km/h | 3.58 mph.  I give it a 3 Buck Rating out of 5 for seeing a few.  Good Luck.

Around Town.   Highway 522 is bare throughout this morning.  Should be no problem with travel today.  Things are also quiet around town but for Sunday it is a norm.  So my friends, I am off to enjoy a nice cup of tea, then get back to working on the new health book which will be out come spring.  Going to be one you won’t want to miss out on.  You can reach me George Walters at, [email protected]

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