Information For Port Loring Ontario Canada

Good Morning:  Well another cold morning here in Port Loring. Temperatures waking up were sitting at -7.1 C | 19.22 F.  Quite a bit cooler than yesterday.  But some sunshine is peaking through at us.  Makes one feel good.

Forecast For Today:  Will remain cold today and for the next couple days for that matter.  It will be rather Unsettled, probably improving as the day progresses. One can only hope.

Hunting Times:  This morning the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM.  Then once again from 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM.   Winds are coming in from the South South East and at the moment calm.  They will pick up to around 11 MPH later on this afternoon.  I give it a 4 Buck Rating out of 5 for seeing a few.  Good Luck!

Around Town:   Very Quiet here in Port Loring these days.  Folks that are out an about are all in the cities shopping I am thinking.  But that is OK too, as it gets one out an moving.  Nothing worse than being cooped up in the house all the time.  Highway 522 is bare and dry at the moment so travelling is good.  Don’t forget today is “Cyber Monday” which means there will be deals galore On Line today.  I have to say I even found some great buys.  Might as well take advantage of them.  Feeling great these days and why not.  Eating healthy living in one of the best places in Ontario, one should be doing OK.  Great to have no worries and enjoying life to the fullest. It’s up to each individual to take the right road in life.  Some do some don’t.  On another note I had another friend of mine let me know this morning that he got his first deer Bow Hunting yesterday.  Great to hear things like that. Said it was quite exciting, got it at 30 yards out.  Congratulations goes out to Joey.  That brings it up to 12 friends of mine that did well this year and dropped by,called or E-Mailed to let me know.  All goes to show ya that there is no better hunting than right here in Port Loring Ontario Canada.  Have a great day.  You can reach me George Walters if you like at  [email protected]

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