Good Morning: Well cloudy morning here in Port Loring. Temperatures are sitting at -4.1 C | 24.62 F.
Forecast For Today: Snow, very unsettled this morning then we will see some freezing rain which is in the forecast for today, an into tonight, along with tomorrow. Going to have a few days of not so nice weather. If out and about one should take extra care.
Highway Report: Few icy sections through out and could get quite bad if this freezing rain entertains our area.
Fishing Times: This morning with gathered data the old weather stick is saying that that the best times to be out there will be from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. Then again a bit later from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Winds are coming in from the North North East. Not the greatest day for fishing. I give it a 1 fish rating out of 5 for catching a few.
Around Town: Well Christmas is closing in on us quite rapidity. Young ones are getting more excited with the hopes of Santa paying them a visit. My Grandson gets to chattin’ about the presents about every five minutes. Great to see them so excited as it takes me back to when I was young. Didn’t have the gifts that they do today but we still had a great time. For most parts back when it was the goodies that the lady of the house made up, like puddings of usually four kinds. Pies, along with cookies of all shapes and sizes. In the evening the turkey would be set on the table with all the extras and we were in for one great tasting meal. Presents if any would be all home made for most parts, but every once in awhile a store bought item came into being. When that happened I was in awe for the whole day. After supper the guitar would be brought out and Reg the man of the house would pull up his rocker by the fireplace and songs would be song well into the night. Great times for sure and still missed into today. So my friends enjoy your day. Tea time here with my favourite cup and then will see what the day bestows upon me. You can reach me George Walters if you so wish at [email protected]