George’s Morning Post For Nov. 30/2015

Good morning from Inglis Florida. Really nice morning here waking up temperatures were sitting at 70 F.  Will rise quite rapidly shortly.  Once the sun is up warm temperatures are upon us.

Today we are going to head off to a park to see what they have to offer.  Yesterday we were on location for a TV show called The Bay at 9.  Did a live interveiw  all realting to my life , friends and where we live.  Put Port Loring on the map, we did.   After that carried on with our day.  Was a great day for sure.  But then….what day isn’t nice here in Florida.

Took a couple pictures which are below.  Click to enlarge.  With that heading off for my morning tea outside on our deck.   That is after our morning orange juice.  Enjoy your day and stay safe.

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2 thoughts on “George’s Morning Post For Nov. 30/2015”

  1. is the house at the top where you are staying? or are you still adventuring . wow live tv. wonder if we will ever get to see it? have a great day xox The pictures are beautiful . The weather even better !!! keep us posted ! xo

    1. Good Morning Sis. Nice to hear from you. Yep that is one picture of the inside of where we are staying. Nice place will take a couple more and send them to you later today. Weather is beautiful this morning, sunny and 70 F. Enjoy your day. GW

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