Information For Port Loring Ontario May 20/2016

Good Morning:  Nice looking day is taking place here in Port Loring Ontario. Other than the black-flies. But one can put up with them if a bit of care is taken. My wife and I have been really busy these past few days cleaning out the under brush in our bushes around the house. Also took down quite a few dead pines. Been bothering us some for the past few years. But finished up yesterday and I have to say it sure looks nice now. Shows just how beautiful our property really is. Also will be better come summer as the cool breezes from under the red pines will be able to reach our house. On another note today is the day if your interested, to read the Hydro Meter here in Port Loring. We do it every month as nothing bothers me more than to get an estimated bill. Reason being if you don’t read it, one month is estimated usually low, then the following month is high which of course puts you into a higher bracket and costs you a lot more.  So solution, read the meter and call it in. Also you can ask as we did for the dates to call it in every month.  With that will head on out to the front porch and admire all our hard work that has taken place over the past couple weeks. Enjoy your day.

Weather Forecast: Waking up temperatures were sitting at 8 C | 46.4 F. Very nice and warmer with sunshine and a few clouds.    Weather Station Home:

Rain Accumulations:  No Rain overnight.

Bug Report: Black Flies are annoying now and will remain with us for a few weeks. Mosquitoes haven’t entered into the picture as of yet. Okay by me.

Fishing Report:  Today the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 6:38 PM – 8:38 PM. Might hook on a few nice ones this morning from 8:00 AM – 11.00 AM.  I give it a 3 fish rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Highway Report:  Highway 522 is bare and dry  Traveling will be good today in all directions.

Body Pain Related To Weather: Today once again the weather will be beneficial for us humans. Great day for getting things done.

Todays Currency:

USA 1.3098439358

Canada 0.7634497306

Moonrise: 7:39 PM Moonset: 5:56 AM

Sunrise: 5:42 AM Sunset: 8:52 PM

Time to light the camp fire: 6:52 PM

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