Morning Report Feb 14/2020

Good morning. Well it is one darn cold morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Waking up temperatures were sitting at -34.2 C | -29.56 F. The coldest morning this winter. It also remained cold all through the night. Highway 522 is a mixed bag of things. Some ice, snow and bare spots. Once it warms up a bit it should be a good day to travel. But at the moment I don’t recommend anyone going out in this. I also hope you had your vehicles plugged in overnight. I turned mine on around 1AM this morning and its still on. Better to spend a bit on hydro than to have an expensive repair bill fixing the car. I bet there are a few that won’t start this morning. It should start to warm up quite quickly now the sun has made its appearance, but it will have to climb a bit before I head on outside. Overnight we kept the wood furnace perking away which kept our home really comfortable. After all our upgrades this house is sure warm now, which is something that is needed in this country. Kind of nice sitting inside all nice and warm looking out. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will see what the day has in store. Have a good day and stay warm, if you have to go out cover your mouth don’t need anyone having lung issues. GW

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