Good morning. Not to bad of a looking day for us in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We did have a touch of snow overnight, but it is melting fast. It is cool though with temperatures sitting at 0.5 C | 32.9 F. It will warm up a wee bit but not much more than it is now. The good news is we should see some sunshine off and on for most of the day. Tomorrow will be warmer yet but … we might see some more snow. Roller-coaster weather these days. Highway 522 is bare for most parts. Traffic is almost down to nothing just the odd car going through. It has picked up though with new vehicles entering into the picture. We will see how that works out for everyone here in town. I am thinking we will have two more weeks before this virus reaches it goal, then starts to slow down to where some can move around more. It is slightly easing off now in some provinces. The thing is, a lot will be able to go back to work after the testing is done, but for us older folks, I am thinking we will be having to do the same as we are now for a year or so, maybe longer. Or until they perfect a vaccine. Even then care will have to be taken. Just the way it is. With that I am off for my breakfast and a cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store. Take care of yourselves. GW