Morning Report April 21/2020

Good Morning. Well things have changed weather wise overnight. Waking up we have around 4 inches of snow on the ground. Along with that the trees are covered. Sure looks pretty though. Temperatures were sitting at -1.6 C | 29.12 F. It will warm up as the day progresses a wee bit. Tonight it will be very cold, but after that it should start to warm up somewhat for Wednesday. Come Friday things will change for the better. Highway 522 is partially snow covered but melting fast. Other than that things are looking pretty good, other than this Virus. But we can’t let it get the best of us, we have to carry on and enjoy each day as it is given. Truth be told what choice do we have. Best advice I can give you is to stop watching the news too much and find things around your home and inside your home to keep your mind on the positive. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Take care of yourselves, this too shall pass. GW

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