Morning Report May 26/2020

So how you all doing today? Good I hope. Looking out the sun is shinning here in Port Loring, Ontario this morning, and I suspect it will continue for most of the day. Temperatures were sitting at 17.4 C | 63.32 F which is nice and will warm up even further a bit later on this morning. Nice to have the warm temperatures along with the sunshine. It’s been a long time coming. I kind of think that as the country starts to have higher levels of humidity, we could see a small reduction in virus transmission. “That might be really beneficial in terms of containment measures, but I don’t think it will be enough that it would actually stop the virus on its own. But you never know what Nature is really capable of doing. If nothing else these warm humid temperatures should slow it down giving us more time to figure things out, that is if everyone does what they suppose to be doing … like social distancing and wearing a mask when going to places where there are a lot of people. Highway 522 is a touch busy this morning and I suspect once again it will pick up as the day moves forward. Not too much we can do about that I suppose, other than protecting yourself. Which is what we are doing. On another note them pesky Black Flies are out in full force these days, which might be a good thing as they do have the ability to keep folks inside their cottages and homes. I should also mention that it will be really hot today and tomorrow, so it might pay to close up some of your curtains later on this afternoon. Temperatures could get up to 35C. Things will cool down by Thursday. Things sure have greened up the past few days and I can’t rightly say I’ve seen it so green, the colours are really nice. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and then will see what I can get myself into. Just never know these days. Stay safe. GW

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