Morning Report May 31/2020

Good Morning! We are having some sunshine this morning. Temperatures at the time of this post were sitting at 5.6 C | 42.08 F. We did have a touch of frost last night. I did however take precautions and covered things up in my vegetable gardens. They look a bit scruffy this morning but they are all alive LOL I had to cover them with what ever I found laying around the place. Didn’t look that good last night but it did the job. I don’t think we will have a frost tonight but will see how things progress through the day. With this sunshine it should warm up the ground which should hold off anything that might affect things through the night tonight. But we will see how things goes. Highway 522 is quiet this morning so far but it will pick up later on and into tomorrow. I kind of like these cooler temperatures as it makes things much nicer for working around the house here. Tomorrow will be really nice. The black flies and skeeters are still out in full force but this cooler weather will keep them at bay for awhile. I hope LOL. Today I will work away on another Podcast for next Friday, which should keep me busy for most the day. With that I am off once again for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Take care, stay safe …. and do what’s right. GW

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