Well it’s the first day of June, the world is still in a dismal state in some ways, but in other ways, things are okay. We are learning more about this virus every day, coming up with different ways to combat it. Which is a good thing. It never ceases to amaze me how one small bug has the ability to affect the whole world all at one time. And we humans thought we were the superior beings on earth. Not so. On another note it is cloudy here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada this morning with temperatures at the time of this post sitting at 7.1 C | 44.78 F. The good news is we didn’t have a frost last night. My vegetable gardens are smiling this morning. We should see some sunshine throughout the day with some clouds. Then things will cloud up and more rain is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow and possibly on Wednesday too. Which will bring on the skeeters and things as they love the moist warm temperatures. Not much we can do though but wait it out. It’s the story of our lives these days. Or so it seems. We actually had to turn on the furnace for a bit yesterday and this morning to take the chill off. Highway 522 is slow this morning traffic wise, but I suspect it will increase as the day moves forward. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and a bite to eat. Then I will finish up this Podcast I have on the go for this coming Friday. Take care and stay safe. GW