Good Morning!? It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. If things goes to plan we should see some sunshine a bit later on in the day. One can only hope. It’s sure been a mixed up spring, weather wise. One day it’s warm enough for an air-conditioner, the next day you need to turn on your furnace. Then it so dry you have to water your gardens, and now so wet and damp them skeeters are out in full force. So what can you do about that? Nothing. LOL Absolutely nothing. But… there is a light at the end of the tunnel weather wise, we just have to wait it out. Same goes for this Virus that is among us. Highway 522 is quiet this morning, but it’s a norm for it to pick up a bit throughout the day. Some folks are doing what is right wearing a mask, distancing themselves from others, and taking precautions … where others simply put, doesn’t give a dam. No use sugar coating it. For my wife and I we are staying put and doing things around our home. There is always something that needs doing. The vegetable gardens are coming along, it was touch and go there for awhile. Once things dries up some I will do some hoeing loosening up the soil a bit, which will make things grow even better. I have to say I enjoy being out there … when them bugs ease off a bit. They sure love this kind of weather we are having at the moment. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then work on the Podcast for Friday that I have in the works. Take care an stay safe. GW