Morning Report June 4/2020

Good Morning! Well … it looks like a really nice day for us here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning for a change and temperatures have warmed up to where it makes a fellow feel like going outside. The Black Flies and Mosquitoes on the other hand, are enjoying it too though, so we will have to deal with them for the next week or so. We should see lots of sunshine throughout the day and into tomorrow but then tomorrow afternoon we will see some more rain. Temperatures at the time of this post were sitting at 11.7 C | 53.06 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. Highway 522 is quiet so far but it is early. Things will pick up as the day moves forward. On another note the grass is sure greening up and growing leaps and bounds. When we mow it tomorrow we will save the cuttings for our vegetable gardens. Which in turn will give our veggies and things some extra needed flavour this summer. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and then I will head on to the dump and get rid of some garbage. Then I will see what the day has in store. Take care stay and stay safe. GW

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