Morning Report July 3/2020

Good Morning! Well it sure was a hot one here yesterday here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. One of the hottest days we ever had. We will also have another very warm day today. Waking up temperatures were sitting at 21.7 C | 71.06 F. Actually pretty warm already and the day hasn’t started. What is really interesting is how long this warm spell is going to last, which is about two weeks. Highway 522 is busy these days with a lot of new folks wandering around looking for things to see an do LOL. Yesterday my lovely wife and I went to town to pick up our groceries. It was a nice drive and we made the day of it. We didn’t go into any stores though, but we did browse around seeing how many others were. And there were lots. There is one new case in North Bay and it was community spread so that means some one is out there spreading it around. Which also means, more care should be taken as it is like a fire, once it gets a foothold look out. Some stores we see were social distancing and a few were wearing a mask which is a good thing. Other stores are packed full by the looks of the parking lots. Other than that things are rolling along. This morning I will do some mowing around the immediate house here before it gets to hot and then water my vegetable garden. Things are in need of a drink. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my wife and will then get doing a few things. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right. GW

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