Morning report July 9/2020

Good Morning! It looks like another warm one today here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning once again without a cloud in the sky. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 20.9 C | 69.62 F. But it’s early. Things will get hot in a couple hours. The weekend should be much cooler which will make things nice for folks to do some outside work for a change. Looking forward to that. Highway 522 is a wee bit busy but slowing down a bit. I think some people understand that moving around isn’t the best thing to do at this time. Which is a good thing. Just because the government is slowly opening things up, doesn’t mean the virus is gone. It’s still there as strong as ever, maybe even stronger. But in saying that, it does amaze me that so many believe that things can go back to the way it was. Those are the ones I am naming the invisible ones LOL. Or so they think. Today I will do a bit of watering in my vegetable garden, as a few plants are drooping a wee bit. But in-spite of all the heat the plants are looking really good. My tomatoes are loaded this year, with blossoms, so I am thinking we should have a fantastic crop. I also notice our cucumbers out in blossom too and the zucchini is almost ready to blossom. So ya … no complaint in the vegetable end of things. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee on the front porch with my lovely wife, and then will see what develops. One never knows. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right. GW

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