Morning Slice of Life Sep 20/2020

Good Morning! Well … we did have a wee bit of frost this morning most didn’t make it to the ground where it could do any serious damage this time. Which is good. The frost we had the night before last though, took its toll on a few items, but most handled it quite well as far as I can tell by looking at things. Once plants become mature they handle the cold much better. But even still, if we get down to below freezing and ice forms on your bird feeder, most tender plants are done for. On another note we are in the midst of some sunshine this morning and things will warm up a lot as the day moves forward. And next week is looking real nice with warmer temperatures entering into the picture for most days with lots of sunshine. Highway 522 is slowly edging back to its norm for our area, but there are still a lot of campers moving up and down the highway. I suspect they are heading home. Yesterday I got to work and cleared out all my old tomato plants that were about had it, along with some other things. I like to get them out of the garden before it freezes. They don’t go to waste though, as I put them in a place to rot and given time they turn to mulch and I use the results for fertilizer back in my gardens. One thing a person should know is that nothing should go to waste, everything can be reused given time. In the gardening section that is. LOL Today I will continue on working in our new Cottage to be installing the sink, taps and things. It’s coming along. Once finished I will see if I have any leaks LOL. Moving along I see this virus is expanding its territory since we opened the schools and things with more than 400 yesterday. I have to shake my head sometimes. The thing is it hasn’t gone away. At any rate I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, do some chatting and then get to work. No breakfast this morning. I like to keep my body guessing LOL. Have a great day and stay safe.

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