Good Morning! Well … it’s another really nice day shaping up for us here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning and temperatures are sitting at 20C/68F. Can’t beat that for our area at this time of year. The leaves are out in full force with colours galore. But by the looks of things our nice weather will be leaving us in a day or so, with lots of rain on the horizon. Yesterday I did get my vegetable garden tilled up. Was quite a job as my old rototiller didn’t want to run right. But I managed to get it running long enough to do what needed to be done. I will work on it through winter, or next spring. Always something to take the fun out of things. LOL Today I will get them curtains hung up in our cottage, or at least put the rods up for my wife. Not that she couldn’t do it herself, but it’s a bit easier for me to do, with her not being the tallest of women LOL. After that I am thinking we will do some front porch sittin’ with rain in the forecast for tomorrow. The good part of having rain tomorrow we will see how them new eve troughs work … that my wife and I installed on our cottage a couple of days ago. LOL Highway 522 was quite busy yesterday with people coming and going from all over. I would think they are taking in the colours, closing up cottages or heading home. Can’t say I blame them. On another note I noticed the virus is taking its toll on us here in Ontario. We were well over the 400 yesterday and climbing. But I suspected it would, with all the opening of stores and schools and groups of all kinds. It seems that the younger ones aren’t taking things serious these days. But then again, I am finding there are a lot of us older folks that aren’t taking things serious neither. I have to admit, I am loosing my faith in humanity. Not much we can do I guess. At any rate I am off for my morning cup of coffee and some bacon and eggs on this fine Sunday morning with my lovely wife. Take care and stay safe. No one can do that but you. GW