Morning Chat Feb 4/2021

Good Morning! Once again we are having some sunshine here in Port Loring, Ontario. Enjoy it, as later on tonight and into tomorrow we could see a substantial amount of snow. I have my snowblower warming up in the shop. LOL The temperature this morning was sitting at -15.6 C | 3.92 F. It feels a lot cooler than it is, or so it seems, when I went to put some wood in my shop stove. Maybe it is just me being so early in the day and just getting out of bed. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning which will make travelling good today. That is if you have to go anywhere. Not much open these days, and I hope they keep it that way. Will they? Not likely. As now, they are thinking of opening a few places back up like our schools. Even with this new strain of the virus among us. I can’t see what their thinking is, other than people pleasing. As soon as the schools open up, the kids will be asymptomatic at first . bring it home 6 days till the parents show symptoms …. then go to workI don’t know how it isn’t obvious. I guess, I did hear they’re putting a few $$ into upgrading the HVAC, but that probably won’t happen anytime soon. My feelings … it is just a bad time to be opening the schools, all of them should be closed up tight. Actually the kids are just getting used to working from home now. Anyways that is My Slice of Life this morning, for what it’s worth. Take care and stay safe.

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