Morning Chat March 16/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, And a touch cool with the temperature sitting at -7.8 C | 17.96 F. But not to worry, it will warm up as the day progresses, and if we are real lucky we will have a bit of sunshine off and on for most of the day. The long range for temperatures is looking good. Every day for the next couple of weeks, will be well above the freezing point, with a few days edging up to near 60F/15C. Which in turn will get rid of what snow we do have now. I am looking forward to it. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning. Yesterday I worked away here on my computer, finishing up a new podcast, and a story for my columns in Newspapers. Today I will do the same. I might try out a new battery charger I bought, that arrived yesterday, just to make sure it is working properly, and everything I want. If not back she goes. LOL With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal, and will then see what the day has to offer, other than what I am planning. You just never know. Take care and stay safe. There is a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak, relating to this virus that is among us. But … just because there is a light beginning to show itself, doesn’t mean we should let down our defences. Have a great day. GW

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