Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. It is also a touch cool with the temperature getting out of the sack, sitting at -1.5 C | 29.3 F. We will see some sunshine as the day moves forward along with some warmer temperatures. Every day things will warm up a touch more with lots of sunshine thrown in for good measure, Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning. We did have some light flurries with a dusting of snow this morning. Nothing to speak of, but I sure didn’t like seeing it waking up. LOL Yesterday I worked on an older rototiller I have. I took it in to get fixed a few years ago, they fixed it, but it stopped running after a month. So … I decided to see what I could do myself. I did take a course on small engines years ago which comes in handy from time to time. So after playing around a bit I found it was the magneto. So I changed that with another one I had here on another old mower, and while I had things apart I changed the points in it too. It works great now other than needing me to set up the carb a bit which I will do, this morning. The price folks charge nowadays a person almost has to fix these things themselves. If they can’t, a lot of times it is better to buy new and be done with it, as it costs just as much to fix them as it does to buy new LOL. Anyways my old training of fixing these old engines came in handy yesterday. That’s another problem … as the way I learned and was taught years ago, is almost obsolete today, as all the new engines are made different. But … I guess the basics is still the same in a lot of ways. With that take care, stay safe, and have a great day. Nice weather is just around the corner. GW