Morning Chat April 14/2021

Good Morning. It’s a sunny morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. However, it is cool outside, with the temperature sitting at 3 C | 37.4 F. The sun should remain with us for most of the day. It will warm up as the morning moves forward. Tomorrow we are back to some more showers. It kind of looks like a mixed bag of weather for the remainder of the week. But in saying that, when there is sunshine outside, my wife and I take advantage of it and enjoy it. Yesterday we took it a bit easy with some inside work I had to finish up. Today if it doesn’t rain I am thinking of rolling my lawn, and if real lucky I might till up my vegetable garden for the first time, so the soil can breathe. The sooner you can work it up the better, as then the sun has a chance to do its job for later on whey I get to planting. I will have to check it out in a bit. If it is still too wet, I will leave it for another week. The thing I found over the years while farming, is that a feller has to work with Nature. On another note I did light the wood furnace this morning being so cold, which will take the dampness out of the house. Feels mighty nice. Along with that it saves us some oil for later on, when it isn’t that cold, and only need a wee bit of heat. With that I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal and will then get to work. There is nothing better than oatmeal to keep the blood pressure in check. Along with a lot of other health related things. Take care and stay safe. GW

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