Good Morning! It’s a cloudy cool morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 3.6 C | 38.48 F. It will warm up a touch later on, and if lucky we could see a wee bit of sunshine breaking through the clouds from time to time. It’s nice to look outside in the morning seeing green instead of white. The grass is really starting to grow, and I suspect it won’t be long before it will be needing to be cut. I would say in about another week. I have also seen our first Yellow Day Lilly while rolling the land around our house yesterday. It sure makes it nice to walk on. And not only that I now won’t lose my hat when mowing. It also pushes the roots back down into the soil which makes for a nicer lawn through the summer months. Today I am going to work on my back deck, as it has heaved some from the frost over winter and moved a bit. After that I will see what else I can get into. With so much to do I can pick and choose. LOL With that I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal and will then get to work. Take care and stay safe. This virus is sure picking on us humans here in Ontario these days. GW
Do you mean you use a roller to press down the lawn and that pushes down tree roots that get pushed up from the frost? I have never owned land so did not know this hapoens
Hi John. Good To hear from you. Yep the rolling does push down the tree roots which helps a lot, but it also pushes the grassroots down too, that rise through the winter. In turn the grass is stronger and can handle the warm weather when it arrives. Along with that it helps a lot when walking on it. It seems the older one gets the more you notice the bumps, hills and things when moving around LOL. Another thing I like to do is just before I roll the lawn I buy a bag of Perennial Rye Grass and spread it around over the whole lawn. Just lightly. It’s about the best grass seed you can buy and grows anywhere shade and sun. Then when I roll the lawn it pushes the seeds down into the soil which gets them to growing. It also stops the birds from eating it all. Again good to hear from you and stay safe. GW