Morning Chat April 16/2021

Good Morning! It’s a rainy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. And the trees and things are loving it, as everything is turning greener every day. Nice to see. The temperature climbing out of the sack this morning was sitting at 2.4 C | 36.32 F. It will warm up a bit as the day moves forward, but … I suspect it will remain cloudy for most of the day. Or so my old weather stick is saying. My Grandfather showed me how to make them many years ago. Or I should say … he showed me what kind of tree to get the branches off of, as not all trees work. I have to admit that the weather stick predicting the weather is about as accurate, if not more than the Powers That Be’ website LOL Once you get to knowing how it works that is. LOL. On another note my wife and I have been noticing a lot of new birds visiting our bird feeder these days. I know … some say. Why feed them this time of year? Well. I’ll tell you why. It’s that my wife and I enjoy their visits so much, we want to keep them around, and along with that, we get all kinds of different feathered friends dropping by that usually wouldn’t as the feed draws them. Yesterday I worked outside most of the day on our back deck. I managed to jack it up, straighten things out and move it back in place. The frost last year moved it away from the house a bit. Nature does that sometimes just to annoy me. LOL With that I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal and a cup of tea with my lovely wife, and will then let the day unfold around me. I think I will write up a new story or two for my newspaper columns today, since it’s a rainy day. Have a great day and stay safe. GW

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