Good Morning!. It’s a cloudy, hazy day here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 18.4 C | 65.12 F. The hazy part is due to Smoke from the active fires in northwestern Ontario and eastern Manitoba, which will stay with us here in Northern Ontario for another day or so. Once the wind shifts, things will get better, with some cooler temperatures also entering into the picture. Which is okay with me, as I sure don’t like this hot, humid weather we have been having. But it is better than pushing snow and wearing heavy winter clothing. That will come soon enough. LOL, But in spite of the hot weather, my lovely wife and I have done a lot of work this year so far around our property. I finally finished the wrap around deck along with adding a new eve trough and down pipes onto our cottage. Now we are going to paint the outside, which will finish it up quite nicely. On another note, campers, trucks, vans and cars of all kinds are roaming around our area these days. It’s back to normal for most folks, other than wearing a mask. And I hope they continue to wear the masks for a while yet. With that I am off for my morning breakfast which consists of homemade pancakes this morning for a change. Then we will see what the day has in store. Life is a mystery to say the least. Take care and stay safe.