What’s up? Oct. 19/2021

Good Morning! It’s a foggy cool morning here in Port Loring Ontario. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 2.7 C | 36.86 F. However, it will warm up as the day moves forward and become a really nice day, weather wise. We also had a pretty good frost last night, so anything left in the gardens would be hurt. That is, if you didn’t cover things. Which I did, as I still have a some kale that is growing nicely, and we enjoy it in our salads at night. It will be soon enough that we have to go back to buying fresh vegetables in the groceries stores. If you can call it fresh. Yesterday I worked in the old woodworking shop on a few things. I have a bunch of orders to complete, but I won’t get started on them for another few weeks, as I have other things to do first. Highway 522 is still quite busy these days with folks coming in from all over for hunting season. I don’t suspect it will be very good this year, being so warm. But you never know. If you’re in the right place at the right time, you will have venison on the table for winter. With that I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal with a few blueberries, and will then get to work. Take care and stay safe. GW

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