What’s Happening November 21/2021

Good Morning!. Starting things off it is a cloudy wet morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. We haven’t seen any sun for a few days now, which health wise isn’t the greatest. That’s where a Vitamin D3 supplement comes in handy. I would say that every one in the North or elsewhere should be taking a 1000 IU once a day. As most of us are low compared to where we should be. The temperature outside still hasn’t been all that cold. Getting out of bed, it was sitting at 2.8 C | 37.04 F. We could see our first snow of any accumulation later on today, tonight and into tomorrow. It kind of depends on how soon the temperatures start to fall. At any rate, there should be no complaints about the weather this Fall, as it has been quite nice. Highway 522 as of now is a bit wet from the rain but bare. On another note, I took a look at my garlic I planted earlier in the year, and it still isn’t showing itself, which is a good thing. I don’t like to see it up above the ground too much before the freezing weather hits. I did though put a good layer of leaves over most of them. We will see how that pans out, come spring. Yesterday I worked in my old woodworking shop getting things ready to do up some orders I have waiting. In a couple of days I will get to that. With that, I am off for some homemade waffles that my lovely wife is making me, and will then see what the day has in store. Maybe I will write up a story or two for my columns. That is, if anything comes to mind. Getting harder and harder to find a good subject after all these years. Take care and stay safe. The numbers are rising here in Ontario with this virus. Not a good thing, for sure. GW

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]

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