Here it is May 1st starting another month. Boy time sure flies by let me tell you. Or it sure seems that way. Starting things off, it is still pretty nice temperature wise in the early morning hours with the temperature sitting at 9.5 C | 49.1 F. It will warm up a lot as the day progresses. But the not so good part is we can expect some rain off and on for the next three days. Our temperatures should remain above the freezing mark at nights now for the rest of the summer. At least I hope they do as I am planning on turning on the water to our cottage and our out buildings today. That is, if I can beat the rain. Highway 522 is bare and dry at the moment, which will make travelling pretty nice today. There are a lot of campers moving into our area, along with a lot of cars and trucks I don’t recognize. Sign of what is to come.
On another note, my lovely wife and I worked all day outside yesterday. I dug and pulled out a huge pine tree and re-planted it in a spot where it can grow without bothering anything, like power lines, phone lines, and our driveway. It took a bit of doing, but we managed to get it moved. I kind of think I am getting a bit too old to be doing these things. At least my body says so. My mind now, it says go for it. Ha Ha.
We also cemented in a new post for our clothes line, as the old tree we had it hooked to isn’t in the greatest shape. We will see how that goes as I had a hard time getting a deep enough hole to put the post in being so close to the rocks at the back of our house. Might have to do some thinking on things if it doesn’t work. I will see when I go out this morning if the cement that I put around the post will hold it solid.
With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal this morning and a cup of coffee on our front porch with my little woman. It’s been quite nice out there for the past three days. No black flies as yet. The grass is starting to grow, and I suspect it will need mowing in about two weeks. Just one more thing to add to our weekly things to do. Have a great day, enjoy the sunshine while it lasts and stay safe. It’s amazing how many people are sick in our town. But It’s to be expected with hardly no one wearing masks or keeping their distance anymore. I for the life of me can’t see what the problem is in wearing a mask, LOL Keeps you safe, and protects you from all kinds of things … What can be better than that?