What’s Happening On May 12/2022

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Starting things off, we are having some more sunshine waking up. It is a beautiful day, for sure. Other than the Black Flies as they are out in full force, let me tell ya. I went outside to take a picture of some tulips that are putting on a show this morning, and they were swarming around my head. I do have to finish digging my vegetable garden today, as I only managed to get it 3/4 turned over the day before yesterday. I like to take my pointed mouth shovel and dig down deep, turning the soil over, before rototilling it up. I still haven’t got the parts yet to fix my large tiller. I do have a small one, but it’s not the greatest. But it’s better than nothing. Highway 522 is very busy these past few days with folks coming in from all over. And there are lots of new folks moving into our area too, buying up anything and everything. People wanting to get out of the big cities. Can’t say I blame them, and I don’t have a problem with that as long as they don’t start changing things into what the cities are all about. Seems some like to move from the city and then make the country like the city. Not sure what they are thinking, to be honest with you.

On another note, my wife and I took the day yesterday and went to North Bay for some groceries and things. We also picked up a few plants for our vegetable gardens. Lambs on Lakeshore Road had a good assortment. It started off a bit rainy, but by the time we got to the Bay, the sun was shinning down upon us. It was also a good day people wise as not too many were in the stores. A lot are home sick these days with the virus. My wife and I wore our masks where ever we went, kept our distance and washed our hands with disinfected when going in and coming out of the stores. We also ordered our food from a drive through and ate in our car. Actually we prefer to do it that way as we aren’t sitting in amongst a lot of people listening to every word you say LOL. But … to each their own, I always say.

I also noticed our grass is sure growing these past couple days. I suspect we will be mowing next week for sure. I also finished up our roadside stand, which I will take a picture of later on today and show you all how it turned out. I had a few people Emailing me asking to see it, LOL. With that, I am off for a bowl of oatmeal and a piece of sour dough bread toasted that my lovely wife is making for me. It’s the healthiest of all breads for those that might be interested. Take care and stay safe. There are still a lot of people here in town sick with this virus. GW

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