What’s Happening On June 8/2022

Good Morning!

We are finally seeing some sunshine this morning for a change. It is still a bit cool with the temperature sitting at 13.9 C | 57.02 F. It will warm up as the day progresses and the warmer weather will remain with us now for most of the summer. The nice thing is the nighttime temperatures for the next month will remain cool, which will make it nice for sleeping. Shaping up to be a perfect summer for our area. Highway 522 is slow this morning traffic wise, but it will pick up a bit later on today. With the price of gas and things, people are having to stay at home more than they would like too. And I can’t say I blame them. Where … two years ago it would cost us $30.00 to go to North Bay for groceries is now costing us around $60.00 for gas. That takes a big chuck out of what we will be buying when in town. We have cut back substantially grocery wise, my wife and I.

You know, I bought a pair of work shoes at Walmart last year for around $40.00, thinking that it was a good deal. The thing is, as of yesterday I looked, and they are about had it already. I didn’t even get a full year out of wearing them before they fell apart. Made in China. So that will be another expense in the coming days. I don’t mind paying a bit more for certain items if they last a few years. But it is not only shoes. It is the same with a lot of things these days. And I suspect it will get a lot worse in the coming months. Especially with those with mortgages, as the interest rate will be rising more throughout the summer. Which is going to hurt a lot of people when it comes due for renewal.

Although it isn’t as high as what my wife and I were paying many years ago with it then sitting at 18% – 20%. We made out, but it sure wasn’t easy, let me tell you. I am thinking a lot of people will have to make some major lifestyle changes in the coming months.

With that, I am off for a boiled egg and then see about finishing this deck out front so my lovely wife and I can do some front porch sittin’. Which we both are in need of these days.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

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