Good Morning!
Starting things off, I hope you all are having a great Thanksgiving. We had our Turkey dinner on Saturday as our one son had to leave for home yesterday, so he would be back for work. He said the Highways weren’t all that bad till he hit the QEW. Other than that, he had a good trip up and back. Yesterday we took it easy chatting to our other son who is leaving today. All in all, we have had a great time.
On another note, it is a touch cool out there, waking up with the temperature sitting at -0.6 C | 30.92 F. It will warm up a bit as the day moves forward with some sunshine, too. Which will make Thanksgiving Day quite nice. Highway 522 hasn’t been all that busy for the past couple days, but that is to be expected being a Holiday weekend. The leaves however are sure nice right now, and I am thinking we will be taking a drive to take some pictures in the coming days, before it’s too late. With this cold wet weather they have been dropping a lot. They sure look pretty right now though. Even nicer when the sun is shinning on them.
With that I am off for a cup of fresh perked coffee my lovely wife is making for us and will then have some sausage and eggs for a change. Occasionally we enjoy something different.
In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.