Good Morning!
Starting things off, it’s a cold morning. Getting out of bed, the temperature was sitting at -16.9 C | 1.58 F. Actually, I had to put an extra blanket on my bed through the night. Just until I got the energy to get up and put some wood in the furnace. Ha ha. After that, I had to take the extra blanket off. Also looking out we are in the midst of a lot of sunshine which is sure nice to see. It will stay with us for the remainder of the day. And if that isn’t enough, things will warm up to well above the freezing mark. And taking things one step further, it will warm up even more tomorrow. I like the direction that things are going. Highway 522 is pretty well bare and wet this morning, but there are some icy sections throughout. So care will have to be taken if out and about.
On another note, on our way to and from North Bay the other day, we did see lots of deer alongside, and crossing the highway. And don’t think for a second that the guardrails will prevent them from running out in front of you. As they simply, nice as you please, glide right over them. They do it majestically, too.
Yesterday I worked away here on my mystery novel and will continue on today. At least I think I will, as I have to be in the right frame of mind for the words to flow. Been good so far. With that, I am off for some Waffles my lovely wife is making for me. She is feeling somewhat better this morning. We still haven’t figured out what is, and has been ailing us stomach wise. Has us baffled, being that we have had it now for over two months off and on. At any rate, we will enjoy the good days.
Take care and stay safe.