Good Morning!
Snow is falling outside this morning.
We had maybe 2 inches at the time of this post. It did however melt a lot through the night. Having said that, the temperature has dropped and will continue to do so throughout the day. The temperature waking up was sitting at -1.3 C | 29.66 F. Highway 522 is snow covered with some icy sections throughout.
On another note, my wife and I didn’t do much yesterday or will be today as she was feeling better but last night and this morning she isn’t well again. Something to do with the stomach, but no one can figure it out. Not only her, though, as I am the same. A couple of days feeling okay, the next we are not. Going on now for over a month. Weird. Not much we can do I guess other than wait it out.
So with that I am going to make my lovely wife a cup of herbal tea and will then see what the day has in store. Stay safe. GW