Here is a picture of the dairy farm where I was bordered out at and eventually adopted. I do have a few pictures taken in the summer, so when I come upon them, I will post them. I miss them old days. Reg & Laura Potter in Coldwater, Ontario, were the folks that took me in. Nice folks.
Good morning!
It’s a sunny morning here, waking up. The temperature was sitting at -6.6 C | 20.12 F. It will warm up well above the freezing mark as the day moves forward. Which will be nice. My wife and I can’t wait till we can get outside to do some front porch sitting. We will see how today looks and feels later on, maybe we can sit out in the sun for a bit. Might help us feel somewhat better.
Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good for those wanting to go anywhere. It is nice to get away now and then. Being coped up in the house isn’t what humans are all about.
Yesterday I worked on my Mystery Novel that I am putting together. Today I will do the same. I will see how that goes.
With that, you all have a great day and stay safe. GW