What’s Happening On May 1/2023

Front Porch, sitting on our small cottage deck, watching the world go by. Not today however with all the rain.

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Good Morning.

Not too much happening in and around our small town these days, other than we have had a lot of cool, rainy weather. My vegetable garden looks more like a swimming pool rather than a garden. I guess I will make a few trenches this morning, so the water can drain away. Highway 522 was quiet, but it will pick up now being Monday, and it will get even busier; now that the warmer weather is heading our way, which should arrive near the end of the week.

On another note, I worked steadily in my woodworking shop yesterday, cleaning, putting things back in their place and moving things around. Looks pretty nice out there now, and the best part is I know where everything is. It sure is amazing how one old feller can make such a mess.

Today I will see, I am not sure what I will be doing. It is still raining hard out there this morning. My lovely wife has been busy painting up new things for our store. We will have a great selection this year for folks to see,

With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal and will go from there.

Have a great day and stay safe, there is still a lot of people sick these days with colds, flu’s and other things. Kind of amazing, really, if you think about it. When everyone was wearing a mask, there was hardly any sickness to be found anywhere. No flu shots or cold medicines needed, everyone was pretty healthy. Kind of makes you think … doesn’t it? GW

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