What’s Happening In Cottage Country on June 14/2023

Good Morning!

And a good morning it is. The sun is shinning, the birds are waiting for me to put their breakfast out for them, and our plants in our veggie garden are growing leaps and bounds, after the rain we had. The grass is also starting to recover, and will be long enough to mow tomorrow. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 15.6 C | 60.08 F, not too bad, and it will warm up more as the day moves forward. Actually we will have some real nice weather, other than tomorrow being a touch cloudy and cool, but after that things are looking real nice.

Highway 522 has been slow for the past few days, but I suspect it will pick up nearing the weekend with tourists coming from all around. My wife and I have also noticed that a lot of new homes are being built in our area, as there has been a lot of trucks carrying lumber and rafters passing by our home. There has also been quite a few portable homes being brought in too. It’s a sign that people are still wanting to get away from the big cities. And I can’t say I blame them, being what is happening in our country these days. Get out while the getting is good is the old saying.

Bug Report: Other than mosquitoes and the odd deer fly, things are pretty good these days. The Black Flies are almost all gone now, which is fine with me, as when they are out and about, it makes it darn hard to get any outside work done. But as I always say, as much as I don’t like them, they do have a purpose in life.

You know, it sure is nice looking outside, especially in the mornings and evenings. Everything is nice and green along with the flowers showing off. Makes a person feel down right good about being alive. I sometimes think we humans take a lot for granted, not enjoying what is right in front of us. I used to be that way, being so busy and all, but the older I get, the more I enjoy stopping and taking in what Nature has to offer. Along with some front porch sittin’. And the thing is it’s free.

With that bit of info under your hat, that is if you wear a hat, I am off for some pancakes this morning that my lovely wife is making for me. Topped off with Mike Clappertons world renown Maple Syrup. You should give it a try and if you’re looking to purchase some, just drop by his shop here in town, as he always has some there that you can buy for a fair price. You will be glad you did!

Have a great day! GW

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