What’s Happening In Cottage Country on July 14/2023

Here is a picture of a Heritage Lily that grows in our garden in front of our home. It comes back every year, sometimes with only one flower, this year it has around seven. It sure is pretty.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning!

Once again, it looks like another great day is upon us here in Cottage Country. The sun is shinning, and the temperatures are about perfect with it sitting at 16.4 C | 61.52 F. Along with that, the wind is coming in from the SS West. Perfect weather for fishing. Which is something I haven’t been doing lately, reason being getting our boat in the water and set up is just too much for me. But not complaining as I am moving around and able to do things around the house. I guess I am going to have to seek out a secluded place where I can fish offshore. Which is hard to find these days. If any of you happen to know of a spot, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Bug Report: The deer flies are annoying these days, but other than that things are good.

On another note, after the rain ended in the afternoon yesterday, my wife and I managed to get the mowing done up around our property. I have to say once mowed and the weed eating is finished it sure looks nice. Everyone that comes for a visit or drops by our gift shop always comments on how nice things look. You know, in our world, there are two types of people. The first kind owns many tools and gadgets but lacks the skill to use them effectively. The second kind possesses a few tools, but has the ability to create and construct things of great beauty. It’s not about the tools themselves, but rather the person who wields them.

Today being such a nice day, I have some work to do in our vegetable gardens along with cleaning up my old woodworking shop. After that I think a drink will be in order sitting on our front porch. Maybe a game or two of checkers.
With that I am off for a couple pieces of toast and will then see what the day has in store.
Have a great day … make it a great day! GW

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