What’s Happening In Cottage Country on July 15/2023

Good Morning!

It’s another fine morning in Cottage country, and wouldn’t you know it, the sky decided to play a little game of hide-and-seek with the sun. In fact, this dance of weather is anticipated to continue over the next three days, with the possibility of rain showers making intermittent appearances.

Bug Report: Actually, I worked outside all day yesterday and didn’t see any, even the deer flies stayed clear.

Highway 522 is a wee bit busy these days, and I have to say we had a very busy day yesterday with folks coming in to our gift shop. But let me tell you about this one old feller who stopped by. He’s a regular reader of my stories in the newspaper, and I reckon he’s got good taste. He’s fixing to celebrate his 95th trip around the sun in just a couple of days. He’s got more years under his belt than the hills in our area got squirrels. He was telling me that he worked for the Hydro, and was one of the fellows that put in the hydro cable up the Pickerel River many years ago. He had a lot of interesting stores to tell, including ones about the old Light House, along with the different lumber mills and where he worked for a short spell making shingles down by the lake here in Port Loring. His stories painted a picture of a time when folks rolled up their sleeves and got things done, no matter the challenge. Spending time with that old feller reminded me of the wealth of stories’ some of these older folks carry with them. It’s a reminder that almost everyone has a story to tell, it was a privilege being able to listen to him. We also had some folks from Michigan and Ohio drop by and bought a few things. They were real nice folks. But then again, all the Americans that drop by are nice. My wife and I have made a lot of good friends from the USA over the years.

On another note I decided to work on my driveway yesterday cleaning it up, moving the stone around a bit that has been packed down over the years. It actually worked out pretty good and looks as if we put in a new driveway. At least half of it, I didn’t have time to finish it with all the customers dropping by. Maybe I will finish it today, that is if it doesn’t rain. I sure enjoy being able to do some outside work.

With that, I reckon I better mosey on over to the kitchen and grab me a plateful of flapjacks whipped up by my darlin’ wife before I wrangle with whatever the day’s got in its back pocket. Ain’t no tellin’ what kind of shenanigans await, but that’s just part of the charm of country living. You never know what surprises a day’s got tucked away, so might as well savor them pancakes and let life take the reins.

Have a great day! GW

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