What’s Happening In Cottage Country On August 5/2023

Good Morning!

It’s a nice looking morning here in Cottage Country. The sun is shinning, and the temperature is sitting at 15.5 C | 59.9 F. it will warm up as the day moves forward. Actually, it will be one of the nicest days of the summer. Can’t beat that.

Highway 522 is still quiet these days, and I suspect it will remain that way now for the rest of the summer. There was a lot of building going on earlier, but that has slowed down too. It won’t be long before I start getting things ready for winter. Usually I bring my firewood into the basement nearing the end of September, along with filling our oil tank. Winter oil isn’t available at the moment. And … I am not looking forward to what it will cost to fill it. If they dropped the tax from heating oil, it would make things a lot easier for folks, especially here in the north. Will they do such a thing? Nope, they are making too much money and unfortunately making money is above what is good for the people, or so it seems. It’s one hell of a world we are living in these days. But we have to carry on making the best of things.

On another note, I finished up building a trailer I started awhile back. I have it for sale now, asking$500.00. It’s a nice trailer for an ATV or Riding mower. Or, you could put it on the road, as it does have a spring suspension. At any rate, what will be, will be. If no one wants it, I will use it myself. Today I am going to work on a new bird feeding station as the one we have now is a touch too small. My wife and I enjoy watching them throughout the winter months. That should look after most of the day. My wife has and is doing up preserves for winter as the price of food this winter is going to soar more so than it is now, and I also suspect we will be having a lot of shortages, caused by the hot weather we have been having around the world. So the warnings are there of what’s to come, and it’s up to each individual on how they heed them warnings. Being an old farmer, I have always kept an eye on these things over the years, and took precautions when needed. Animals do it all the time.

With that, I am off for a bite to eat. Not sure what is on the menu yet.

Have a great day! GW

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