What’s Happening In Cottage Country on August 13/2023

Good Morning!

Well, it looks as if the rain has subsided overnight, but I suspect it has a wee bit more in its system. Tomorrow however if lucky we could see a wee bit of sunshine, which would be nice, as I was thinking I might give our car a wash and a coat of wax before winter. In doing so, it will give it a bit of protection from what they are putting on the roads and highways these days. I have to admit, the calcium and salt they are putting down in our area sure takes a toll on the bodies and brakes on our vehicles, along with a lot of other things. The trouble is where we live now, we have an hour and a half drive one way to town for supplies, and in that time a lot of these chemicals get a chance to do their dirty work, so to speak. Put that together and the way they are building cars and trucks these days, a new vehicle doesn’t last very long. Sure is a shame, as vehicles aren’t cheap these days or are the repairs that are non ending.

Highway 522 was busy for the past few days. We have had a steady flow of folks dropping by our gift shop picking up some items of choice. It’s nice to chat to folks.

On another note, being that it rained most of the day yesterday off and on, I did do some work on my next new book of short stories. I made some great headway and by the looks of things I should have it ready for the first part of winter. If so, I can then finish up the mystery novel I was working on last winter, as it is almost complete too. So if things goes to plan, I will have two new books out for next spring. Which should keep my fans/readers happy. Me too for that matter.

Today I will continue on working away here in the house for a few hours, and then I will head on out to my old woodworking shop and clean it up a bit. I still have to bring some wood from the bush and pile it beside the shop for winter. It’s nice having it handy to get at, especially when I think we are in for a lot of cold, snowy weather this winter. But you never know, I have been known to be wrong once or twice in my lifetime.

With that I am off for a couple pieces of toast and will then see what the day has in store.

Each day holds the same value for me.

Have a great day!

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