What’s Happening In Cottage Country On August 24/2023

Good Morning!

It’s a cloudy morning, waking up here in Cottage Country. We didn’t have any rain through the night, but it does look like we might have a shower or two later on. We won’t be seeing much sunshine today.

Highway 522: It has once again slowed down with a lot of folks heading off home, leaving the cottage country behind, as in a week the kids are back to school and the cooler weather will slowly edge back into our area.

On another note, my lovely wife figured I would be tired, so she mowed the grass around our home while Barry and I were out fishing yesterday, along with looking after customers that dropped by our gift shop. She had a busy day too. So … today we don’t have to do that. Which is fine with me as I am still tired from yesterday, and it does look like rain. That woman of mine is sure a worker.

With that, I am off for a poached egg mixed with some red peppers and tomatoes fresh out of our garden, topped off with a bit of 5-year-old cheddar cheese. Can’t beat that for a breakfast to get a feller moving.

Have a great day! GW

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