What’s Happening At & Around Our Home Here in Cottage Country on Oct 5/2023

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Good Morning!

We are in the midst of some changes in the weather here this morning in Cottage Country. The sun is no longer with us, and there are some clouds floating by that have a threat of rain in them. But it is that time of year when things start to change in Nature, as does the leaves on the trees. You could say some things are getting ready for a rest. You know, thinking about that, it has been the same for my wife and I over the years. Especially when we were farming. Throughout the summer we were busier than beavers making sure our crops were in, and had enough money, food and heat to last us through winter. Truth be told, there for a while we had some pretty stressful years. But as with a lot of things I found over the years, troubles, problems and yes even stress made us stronger in a lot of ways. “And what we have today … can be chalked up to just that.

Highway 522 has gotten a wee bit busier for the past few days. I chalk it up to Thanksgiving closing in on us, with folks picking up a few things that they are in need of. For us, our two boys are coming for a visit, which will be nice. We only see them once or twice a year, so when ever we see them in body form it is nice. However, we do stay in touch daily through modern technology, which has come a long way within the last few years. Hard to believe, but I can remember when there was no television or running water in the house. And to go to the bathroom one had to venture outside in all kinds of weather to the old outhouse. Yep, times have sure changed, and I have to admit I am happy with a lot of the changes, especially visiting the outhouse on them cold snowy winter nights. Ha ha

Yesterday, my wife and I worked outdoors most of the day. My lovely wife mowed our grass around our home for the last time this year, while I worked on installing a light in one of my outbuildings, which will make things a lot nicer when I am searching for things. I have wanted to do that for the past ten years or more, but always something more pressing came along to steer me in another direction. After that we both got cleaned up and sat outside on our swing under the basswood tree, taking advantage of the nice weather that is about to leave us for a spell.

Today, being that it might rain, I will clean up my shop after I harvest some more roots and herbs for my natural medicines. I want to get them picked/dug, and brought into the house before it gets too cold. Right now, the roots are at their peak of what they have to offer, with them getting ready for their long sleep. I found you have to work with Nature over the years, as there is no way she is going to change her ways for the likes of us humans.

So with that, I am off for some waffles this morning that my little woman is preparing for me, and will then head on outdoors taking in some of our fresh northern air. Which is another thing I enjoy living where we do.

Have a good day. GW

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