“November Winds: What’s Happening in and Around Our Home on Nov 26/2023”

“Good morning, where the lakes whisper wisdom.”

It’s a cool, cloudy morning, waking up in cottage country. The temperature climbing out of bed was sitting at -0.8 C | 30.56 F. But in saying that it was a touch cooler yesterday. Last night, looking out at the evening sky, I noticed that there was a haze around the moon. So I suspect that by the amount of haze I saw, we could see anywhere from 2 to 4 inches of snow throughout the day, or later on tonight. We will see how that turns out. Back in my day, nature was our guidebook, always dropping hints if you cared enough to notice or listen. Sad truth is, that art of understanding her ways has been fading for a good fifty years now. It plucks at the strings of my soul, watching us humans getting steered down the road the Powers That Be lay out for us. It’s a far cry from the days when we used to dance to nature’s tune, I’ll tell ya.

This Sunday, Highway 522 is real quiet. Me and my wife, we don’t do the whole religion thing, so it’s just a regular day for us. No big fuss. The road ahead is like any other day – no special rules. We find wisdom/solitude in the wind and the stories the land/nature tells us. Every day’s like a new page in the book of life, not just Sundays.

On another note, yesterday, I put the finishing touches on a video for my YouTube Channel, and will continue doing the same today. It’s a real joy, but it sure does hog up the clock. Yet, in this process, this old noggin of mine keeps on soaking up the new stuff. It’s like they say, exercising the mind keeps it spry. And I figure, the more we keep those wheels turning, the wiser/healthier we become with every turn.

“Well, that’s my two cents for this morning, and I will leave you with this: Country living teaches you to appreciate the simple things. May your day be filled with ’em.” GW

2 thoughts on ““November Winds: What’s Happening in and Around Our Home on Nov 26/2023””

  1. I love reading my brothers posts. Sure wish we had of known one another earlier like 70 years ago. We have so much in common that sadly we never knew.

    1. Hi Linda, nice to hear from you. Yes is sure would have been nice if we had known of each other years ago. Your Mother was a great lady, as you are. But we still have a few good years left I hope, and we will have to get together and have a visit, maybe in the spring. At any rate, you have a great day. GW

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