Where the Horses Gossip and the Tractor Tells Tales On Feb. 7/2024

Good Morning! I woke up today with a smile on my face, and I can’t wait to see all the shenanigans it’s got in store for us.

We are starting things off with a wee bit of freezing rain here in cottage country. But it isn’t all that cold, with the temperature sitting at -0.6 C | 30.92 F, and if luck is upon us, we could see a bit of sunshine later on in the day. Which is what we all need in staying healthy. It also brightens up the spirit in folks minds.

Highway 522 is wet this morning and I suspect there are some icy sections throughout, which means care should be taken if out and about. It also is very quiet with traffic these days, with only the locals moving around. I’ve always said that you know you live in a small town when you wave at every passing car, whether you know them or not.

I remember a time many years ago taking the horses out to the field for my Dad to do some plowing. The one Clyde that day for some reason refused to plow the field, Dad he scratched his head and sighed. “Seems like Jessy’s got a mind of her own today,” he’d chuckle, shaking his head at the horses’ stubbornness. But instead of getting angry, Dad simply leaned against the fence and waited. “Sometimes, George,” he said with a wink, “you gotta let things unfold in their own time.” And sure enough, after a few minutes of coaxing and fusing, Jessy would finally relent, and the plowing would begin, and the field got plowed.

Dad always said. “Wisdom, now that’s a different breed altogether. It comes from years of trial and error, learning from the land and them critters themselves. Knowing when to push and when to back off, when to mend fences and when to let them be. That’s the wisdom that comes with time, like the slow turning of the seasons.” And I found later on in life that what he said was true.

On another note I did do a bit of work in the woodworking shop yesterday but for most parts I worked away here at my computer. Got lots done and will finish things up today, I hope.

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife is preparing for me and will then get to it.

Have a great day and remember, “life’s too short to take seriously, so laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change!” GW

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