Good Morning! The day’s young, with lots to do before it’s time to hang up our hats. So best to get at it!
Highway 522 is bare and dry once again, which makes it nice for those in need of things in the larger cities. But in saying that, there is a lot that can be had right here in our small town.
On another note, yesterday, my wife and I worked the day away cleaning up our gardens in front of our home. Other than a bit of wind, the weather was on our side, which made it pretty nice out there. But in saying that, nature is like dancing, you sometimes lead, but mostly, you follow her steps. I also made a video of how we went about it, along with showing folks a few perennials that are starting to show themselves, which I will add to my YouTube Channel later on. It took us most of the day, to get things done and we both were happy to head on into the house when finished. And our beds felt mighty fine, too.
Truth or Fiction: My old dad used to say politicians were like weeds in the garden, they’d sprout up everywhere and choke out the good stuff if you didn’t keep an eye on them. It would be a good idea to keep that in mind today too.
With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife is making for me, or should say has made for me, and will then we will head on outside to do some more cleanups around our property. Can’t let a beautiful day like this go to waste with the sun shining down on us.
You all have a great day and remember: “Life is a puzzle, but it’s missing a few pieces, and … that’s what makes it interesting.” GW