Unearthing What’s Happening On March 15/2024

Good morning, where the soil’s startin’ to thaw, and it’s time to start thinking ’bout what we’re gonna plant in our gardens.

We’re in the midst of a lot of clouds this morning here in Cottage country. And it has cooled down a wee bit from yesterday, with the temperature sitting at -0.1 C | 31.82 F. It will warm up a touch as the day moves forward. The weekend once again isn’t looking all that good, with more rain in the forecast. Lately, the weekends haven’t been all that good weather wise. But we do need the rain as it gets the plants and things motivated for what lies ahead.

The old one used to tell me: If the ravens/crows flies low, prepare for a rain to blow. They were flying low this morning.

On the topic of birds, my wife and I have seen a few flocks of geese for the past few days flying over our home. Another sign that spring isn’t all that far off. They were heading in both directions. I guess they couldn’t make up their minds. Can’t say I blame them neither.

Highway 522 is bare and dry, which will make traveling good for those in need of things in the larger towns. I think we are good for a while.

On another note, my wife and I did do some more yard work yesterday, taking in some sunshine that we humans need to stay healthy. Later in the day, I woke up our garden hose and put it to work washing our car. I have to tell ya, it sure was dirty with all the salt that they put down on the highways these days. Chase is smiling now and just a shinning. We named it Chase the day we brought it home. Just like my Dad and his Dad before me, we’ve got a habit of naming the things we own. And after all, they are made up of the same molecules as humans are, or sort of. Makes you wonder about the connection between us and everything else in this big ol’ world, doesn’t it?

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife has waiting for me, and will then see what the day has in store. I don’t quite know just yet what I will be doing.

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this piece of wisdom that arose from my very good friend Grey Wolf, who taught me a lot while growing up: I call him the Old One!

Find harmony in all you do. Work, play, rest – each has its time and place. Balance is the key that unlocks the door to a life well-lived.’ He was a smart old feller and I really miss those times we spent chatting by the creek near his cabin. GW

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