Daily Updates on What’s Happening Around Our Home Here in the North on March 23/2024

“Good morning, where the weather don’t care about no calendar, and we’re left scratchin’ our heads wondering if spring done got lost on its way here.”

It’s another cool morning here in the north, with the temperature at the time of this post sitting at… -7.9 C | 17.78 F. The good news is, we should be seeing some sunshine a bit later on this morning, at the moment it is cloudy. And on top of that though, things are now going to warm up a lot, which I am happy about, as I am not a great lover of the cold. I do however like the snow in the beginning of winter.

Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make traveling good for those having to go anywhere.

On another note, yesterday once again I worked the day away here at my computer on a novel I am putting together, had a good day and got lots written. Today, being somewhat cool outside, I will carry on.

Fishing Times For March 23/2024

“Timing is Everything: When to Reel ‘Em In!

Major Times:
11:24 AM-1:24 PM
Minor Times:
6:22 AM-7:22 AM
5:36 PM-6:36 PM
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars – Catch a few, but keep your expectations reeled in!
And Remember!, even the best anglers can’t control the fish’s schedule. So, while timing matters, a dash of luck and a pinch of patience can turn any fishing trip into a tale worth telling! And I have told a few of them in my day!!

Politician Fact or Fiction? “You know, politicians are like a fox in the hen house – they’ll promise to guard the chickens, but in the end, they’re the ones making off with the eggs!” Damn, ain’t that the truth!!!

With that! I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife has made for me, and will then get to work.

You all have a great Saturday! And I will leave you with this: “In the fields, I’ve learned that patience is as important as the harvest itself – sometimes you have to wait for the right time to reap what you sow.” GW

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